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Brown Spotting – Between Period, Before Period, Instead of Period,During Pregnancy

Earlier, not much attention was paid to women health, but now even the slightest health issue in women can be addressed. One of the commonly recorded anomalies in women is brown spotting which is experienced by many. This occurrence in recorded in numerous women at different stages of their child-bearing life. This article will help you understand what these spots mean and whether you should be concerned or no.

Brown Spotting before periods or between periods

Periods or menstrual cycle is already time of hassle for females over that brown spotting may cause concern. However, most cases of brown spotting are common and there is nothing to be concerned of. Though it may appear to be unusual, such discharge is fairly common. These spotting can be so mild that they do not even cross the pad and reach the innerwear. Also spotting should not be marked as the first day of menstrual cycle. There are several factors that may cause the condition. These causes of brown spotting before periods are explained here.

  • Endometriosis:

Menstrual blood flow generally included different layers. These layers include endometrial lining, nutrients and old blood etc. The discharge is usually old endometrial tissues that may not have exited timely.  This may occur even before or after the periods; hence, it is also a reason for brown spotting between periods. The process in which this occurs is said to be the cleaning process. During this process the affected female may also suffer from pain in pelvis, pain during sexual intercourse, heavy menstruation, cramps and pain while urinating.

  • Polyps:

Polyps development is a condition wherein tissue grow abnormally in the vagina or even in uterus. Polyps are normally benign in nature which is why they are not to be worried of. Nevertheless, these anomalously grown cells may cause gradual bleeding causing brown spots before menstruation.

  • STDs and Infection:

STDs or Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as gonorrhea, genital warts and chlamydia, etc may also serve as a reason for brown spotting prior to menstruation. In some cases PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases and vulvovaginitis may lead to such spotting.

  • Hormonal Imbalance:

Hormonal imbalance is often caused due perimenopause a condition which occurs around 2 to 8 years prior to actual menopause. During this period of perimenopause there is great fluctuation in the level of two significant hormones called estrogen and progesterone. Such a significant variation in hormone level also causes brown discharge from the vagina.

  • Contraceptive Pills:

It is studied that use of contraceptive pills can hinder hormone level in female body. These pills may also change the level of hormones which are associated with menstrual cycle which can hinder the natural menstrual flow. This is another factor that causes such discharge.

  • Trauma:

Trauma to the cervix such as abrasion during intercourse may cause minor bleeding. This small amount of blood may take long time travel put of the vagina. This may cause brownish appearing spots if the incident takes place before periods.

Brown spotting instead of Periods:

It is a common occurring if your period becomes irregular; this may occur at least once in your entire life. Sometimes your menstrual cycle may be delayed or it may arrive much earlier. Fluctuation in the intensity of menstrual bleeding is also considered as a common occurrence during periods. There is no certain explanation for such variation in bleeding intensity during menstruation except for possible hormonal changes. Brown spotting instead of period is one anomaly that may concern women. Though the condition may not be a reason to worry it is better to know what may cause the issue. Here are some possible causes of occurrence of brown spots instead of pregnancy.


  • Delayed Periods:

In over 50% of cases of brown spotting between menstruations or instead of menstruation, the cause is delayed period. The vagina of women has a self cleansing mechanism. If the female egg has not been fertilized then the vagina cleans the thickened endometrium lining every month. This lining is expelled from the body in the form of menses. If this lining is not entirely cleaned away then some of it remains in the uterus till the next menstruation period. These remains come as brown spotting when next time you get your periods. In cases when there is generally missed menstruation, you may only find this discharge.


  • Implantation Bleeding:

In some cases women may experience brown spotting before start of menstruation; in fact, in some cases menstruation does not take place. Implantation bleeding may take place around 10 to 14 days after the egg has been fertilized. This bleeding may indicate the phase wherein the embryo pushes into uterine tissues. This blood is often pinkish brown and is released in minute amount. Since, its due to ovulation your periods do not take place, all you experience is this implantation bleeding which you consider as brown spotting instead of periods.


  • Lactating women:

It is believed that lactating women who are about regain their normal period cycle may also suffer from such brown spots instead of pregnancy. There is no certain cause but there are chances that such a condition may arise due to hormonal changes during the phase.


Brown Spotting During Pregnancy

Unlike in case of periods dark brown spotting during pregnancy may indicate serious underlying condition. Such discharge during pregnancy is considered safe only when it occurs around 2 week post fertilization or in month post last menstruation which is the above explained Implantation bleeding. There are other situations wherein these dark brown spotting during the phase of pregnancy may indicate that you need medical attention. Some of such underlying serious issues that may cause brown discharge are explained below.


  • Dark brown or brown spotting may even occur if separation of fertilized or sometimes placenta starts to occur. This separation starts around a week in prior to the sighting of spots. This condition is also often accompanied with lower abdomen pain or lower back pain.
  • Molar pregnancy is a kind of pregnancy wherein embryo development is anomalous or there are issues with cells in placenta. This condition is serious and may serve as one of the factors causing brown spots.
  • Ectopic pregnancy also known as Eccysis is a condition wherein the embryo embeds externally on the uterine cavity. If a woman is suffering from Ectopic pregnancy she may also suffer from lowered blood pressure, pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and increased pulse rate.


It should be known that irrespective of what causes the brown spotting during pregnancy, you should strictly consult your doctor. During pregnancy it is not appropriate to take chances. Hence, to reduce risks of health adversities meet your doctor and get diagnosed.

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