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Bleeding During Ovulation

Ovulation bleeding is mid cycle bleeding which occurs around the mid of menstrual cycles and coincides with time of ovulation. It is also known as spotting during ovulation. Ovulation may be termed as the release of an egg from ovary. The egg is released and moves through the fallopian tube and makes it way to uterus. At this time, it may be fertilized and result in pregnancy and if not, it is disintegrated and released in menstrual flow.


Most women are able to confirm ovulation by the increase in temperature, pain in abdominal area, and ovulation bleeding or positive ovulation testing. Although there may be many conditions that could cause bleeding during mid cycle period, spotting or bleeding during ovulation is a kind of vaginal bleeding which is linked to the process of ovulation. It may be referred to as ovulation bleeding, bleeding during ovulation, or spotting during ovulation.


Spotting during ovulation is not a disease but a normal process. However, if you experience mid cycle bleeding, and it seems to be heavy then you might need to see a doctor. About 10 percent all women usually in adolescent and perimenopousal period may experience this kind of bleeding.


It usually occurs with mild lower abdominal pain also known as ovulation pain. Ovulation bleeding occurs approximately 10 to 16 days after one has had the last of menses, and it may last for a couple of hours or few days. Because not all bleeding that occurs in mid cycle may be regarded as ovulation bleeding, there is need to determine whether it is intermenstrual bleeding or ovulation bleeding.


Other causes of bleeding might also coincide with mid cycle and could easily be confused with spotting during ovulation. A vaginal bleeding, which takes place between normal menstrual periods, is referred to as intermenstrual bleeding or metrorrhagia.

How do you know you have ovulation bleeding?

Women tend to figure out whether they are having mid cycle bleeding associated with ovulation or not. To help them understand their bleeding better, they would want to examine if it characterized by the following;

  • The bleeding occurs around the predicted date of ovulation
  • It is not quite alarming and not a cause for concern
  • It is mild and never a heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Lasts for about hours or 1 to 2 days
  • It does not resemble menses
  • The bleeding is not associated with other symptoms apart from mild pain and at times no pain. When you experience severe pain and abnormal discharge then it may not be bleeding associated with ovulation.

Unlike menstrual bleeding, ovulation bleeding occurs in form of little bit or spotting of blood when ovulating. The blood may be dark brownish or red and pinkish. It may also be mixed with mucus from the cervix and accompanied by some mild pain stomach or cramping resembling menstrual cramps. If you notice bleeding that lasts for several days and appears like you are menstruating, it would be good to seek medical attention. Any severe pain may also require checkup by a doctor.


Causes of ovulation bleeding

It is thought that ovulation spotting or bleeding is caused by hormonal changes, which weaken the surface of follicles. Scientists do not have a precise scientific explanation as to why women bleed at ovulation and a number of theories have been suggested. The main theory associates the bleeding to follicles on ovary.

Hormones in body produce close to 20 follicles but all of them contain immature eggs where only one matures and is eventually released to the fallopian tube at ovulation. The mature follicles will burst out from ovary something that could cause bleeding and pain in some women.

Explanation on spotting in ovulation also touches on low estrogen levels, which occur during this time. The low estrogen levels cause endometrium of uterus to reduce in thickness something that leads to bleeding. The bleeding comes from uterus. There is also an indication that the bleeding may occur when a small hole is created for the egg to pass to the fallopian tube. When the ovary raptures to release egg, it may allow bleeding to occur. In this case, the bleeding may come with some pain or cramps that are mild.  Other theories link the bleeding to cervix as the source.


What you should do?

It is completely normal to bleed during ovulation. Nonetheless, in certain cases, it may indicate something wrong. When you experience more than one episode of bleeding in cycle, this might not be associated with ovulating. Any heavier bleeding that looks like menstrual period may indicate a problem such as endometriosis.

Pain that does not go away or lasts for long and is severe may need to be checked. The bleeding may be caused by other conditions like cervical polyps, irritable cervix, polyps in the uterus, and endometriosis.

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