Crouzon syndrome is a congenital genetic disorder characterized by an anomalous fusion or bonding between the bones of the face and the skull. In normal cases, during the development of the brain, open sutures occurring between the bones permit the normal growth of the skull. However, when the bone sutures close earlier than normal, then… Continue reading Crouzon syndrome
Author: admin
Cholinergic Crisis
A cholinergic crisis is a biochemical phenomenon which results in a bout of increased stimulation at one of the neuromuscular junction joints of the body. Such an episode is caused due to accumulation of Ach or acetylcholine, which stems from lack or inactivity of acetylcholinesterase. One of the common causes of cholinergic crisis events is… Continue reading Cholinergic Crisis
Protein in Urine During Pregnancy
Protein in urine is also referred to as proteinuria. Its occurrence during pregnancy is deemed as normal. More often than not, protein in urine during pregnancy only signifies that the kidneys are working a lot harder to meet the additional bodily needs that arise during pregnancy. Protein in urine is usually detected via routine urine… Continue reading Protein in Urine During Pregnancy
Dog Ear Infection Home Remedy
Dogs that have big floppy ears are usually affected by dog ear infection. Big ears usually make the ear moist as there is not good circulation of air. This gives way to microorganism which further leads to dog ear infection and due to large ears ear mites also get a place to hide and grow.… Continue reading Dog Ear Infection Home Remedy