Acid reflux is a condition which occurs due to dysfunction of the lower sphincter muscles which results in the pushing of the stomach acid back into the esophagus. It is a fairly common disorder that affects millions of individuals across the world. The condition can occur by itself, or it can be symptom of some… Continue reading What does Acid Reflux Feel Like?
Author: admin
Rotten teeth
Rotten teeth or teeth decay is a common ailment in present world. Diet including fast food, spices, chocolate etc. harms enamel of our teeth. Rotten teeth are a spot on ones persona and needs to be treated on time. We shall now discuss various factors which lead to rotten teeth, diagnosis and treatment procedures, its… Continue reading Rotten teeth
High Protein in Urine
Protein in urine is technically referred to as Proteinuria or also as microalbuminuria. This is a condition wherein the amount of protein in urine increases to an abnormal level. Urinalysis is a test which is conducted to determine the content of urine of a patient. This same test is also helpful in detecting the amount… Continue reading High Protein in Urine
Fordyce Spots on Lips
Fordyce Spots are a skin disorder named after a dermatologist from America, John Addison Fordyce. They are also called by different names such as Fordyce’s condition, Fordyce granules, Angiokeratoma of the scrotum, and sebaceous prominence. They can affect both men and women of all age groups. Fordyce Spots are skin colored, yellow-white, or pale red… Continue reading Fordyce Spots on Lips