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Mucus in Urine

Mucus in urine means appearance of certain amount of mucus while urinating. Mucus is a viscous, yellowish, gelatinous, non-crystalline substance. This material occurs in various parts of the body such as lungs and large intestine.  Urine is normally transparent. When there is mucus in urine it may start to appear cloudy. There are several anomalies… Continue reading Mucus in Urine

Trench Mouth

What is Trench Mouth ? It is a serious kind of gingivitis which can result in painful infection, bleeding from gums as well as ulcerations. Though trench mouth is rarely recorded in developed nation it is said to be common in developing countries that have improper nutrition and poor state of living. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis… Continue reading Trench Mouth

Undigested Food in Stool

Occasionally people may experience undigested food in stool which may be a cause of concern for some. When we consume food they get digested and metabolized by the body, as a result stools are made for excretion from the body. Occurrence of food fragment in your stool is basically due to high fiber food which… Continue reading Undigested Food in Stool

Ketones in Urine

Ketones in urine is also scientifically referred to as Ketonuria, an anomalous medical condition.  The condition is a general indication of increased level of ketones in the blood.  This is often witnessed in case of pregnant ladies,  Diabetes type 1 patients and people who starve or fast. Production of excessive ketones is a general response… Continue reading Ketones in Urine