What is Progeria ? It is a rare genetic disorder which causes the rapid ageing of children. Progeria is coined from the Greek word progeros, which means prematurely old. There are different types of progeria, but there are only 53 cases that are known all over the world. A child who has this condition is… Continue reading Progeria – Facts, Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Harlequin Ichthyosis
Harlequin Ichthyosis is a skin condition, which is associated with changes in gene composition. Babies born with this condition have a hard and thick skin all over their body. The skin has large scaly plates that are diamond shaped. These skin plates are separated by cracks. A baby with this condition looks like fish because… Continue reading Harlequin Ichthyosis
Smelly Urine
Technically, normal urine is characterized with its straw yellow color and quite bearable mild smell. But when urine has a pungent and almost unbearable odor then it may be due to various factors which perhaps can be a cause of concern. The pungent odor in urine is normally due to concentration and volume of various… Continue reading Smelly Urine
Burst Blood Vessel in Eye
Burst blood vessel in eye is colloquial name for what we technically know as subconjunctival hemorrhage. Burst blood vessel in eye occurs when the minute blood vessel breaks right underneath the surface of your eye or conjunctiva. A person with this condition may not be aware of its prevalent unless he or she looks in… Continue reading Burst Blood Vessel in Eye