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Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is a skin condition, which causes circular to oval red plaques on the skin and scalp. This plaque forms scales because there is epidermal hyperproliferation as well as dermal inflammation. This skin condition can cause acute flare-ups and relapses of plaque that can advance to a more serious health complication such as erythrodermis… Continue reading Plaque Psoriasis

Harlequin Ichthyosis

Harlequin Ichthyosis is a skin condition, which is associated with changes in gene composition. Babies born with this condition have a hard and thick skin all over their body. The skin has large scaly plates that are diamond shaped. These skin plates are separated by cracks. A baby with this condition looks like fish because… Continue reading Harlequin Ichthyosis

Tiny Red Spots on Skin

Tiny, itchy red spots on skin may be caused due to varied reasons. Some of the causes and treatment options for the skin abnormality are listed below: Causes of tiny red spots on skin Allergic reactions: Allergens can be environmental factors like dust, pollen, etc., or foods like nuts, grains, and dairy products, or medications.… Continue reading Tiny Red Spots on Skin

Sunspots on Skin

Sunspots are brownish spots on skin which are usually caused due to excessive exposure to the harmful UV and UVB rays of the sun. Unlike moles, sunspots are flattened and may look like freckles. However, they are not as light or as tiny as freckles. In rare cases, white sunspots on skin may also occur.… Continue reading Sunspots on Skin