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Trigeminy is irregular heart beat or arrhythmia comprising of a repetitive series of 2 normal heart beats and 1 premature beat. With regards to ECG activity readings, trigeminy refers to a rhythm wherein every third heart beat is ectopic, i.e. starting from some other area and not the sinus node. Without qualification, trigeminy often means… Continue reading Trigeminy

Transient Idiopathic Arrhythmia

Cardiac arrhythmia is a medical condition which occurs when the cardiac electrical impulses regulating the heartbeats do not work properly, thereby causing the heart to beat too slow, or too fast, or irregularly. Transient idiopathic arrhythmia refers to arrhythmiawhich occurs spontaneously and then disappears just as suddenly. Transient idiopathic arrhythmia is typically not serious. It… Continue reading Transient Idiopathic Arrhythmia

Sinus Infection While Pregnant

A sinus infection is caused due to inflammation of the sinuses and the mucous membrane which lines the nasal airways.The anterior area of skull is called the sinus and sinuses are small, air-filled cavities occurring in the sinus bones. Sinuses are located around the eyes, nose, cheeks, and ears, and next to the forehead. They… Continue reading Sinus Infection While Pregnant