Burp, as we all know, is secondary way of expelling surplus gas through mouth. Sulfur burp is a similar phenomenon except that it has a distinct unpleasant smell of sulfur which is why it is named as Sulfur burp. The smell may seem similar to the smell of a rotten egg. Though the condition is… Continue reading What causes Sulfur Burps ?
Tag: symptoms
Torticollis is also called as cervical dystonia or loxia or wry neck. The term torticollis is originated from the latin word’ tortus’ and ‘collum’, which means twisted and neck respectively. It is a condition caused due to involuntary contraction of the neck muscles which cause the head to turn or twist to one side of… Continue reading Torticollis
Mucus in Urine
Mucus in urine means appearance of certain amount of mucus while urinating. Mucus is a viscous, yellowish, gelatinous, non-crystalline substance. This material occurs in various parts of the body such as lungs and large intestine. Urine is normally transparent. When there is mucus in urine it may start to appear cloudy. There are several anomalies… Continue reading Mucus in Urine
Trench Mouth
What is Trench Mouth ? It is a serious kind of gingivitis which can result in painful infection, bleeding from gums as well as ulcerations. Though trench mouth is rarely recorded in developed nation it is said to be common in developing countries that have improper nutrition and poor state of living. Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis… Continue reading Trench Mouth