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Progeria – Facts, Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Progeria ? It is a rare genetic disorder which causes the rapid ageing of children. Progeria is coined from the Greek word progeros, which means prematurely old. There are different types of progeria, but there are only 53 cases that are known all over the world. A child who has this condition is… Continue reading Progeria – Facts, Pictures, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Williams Syndrome

What is  Williams Syndrome ? It is a disorder that is genetic and occurs at birth. This condition can affect anyone. It is a developmental condition, which can affect many parts of the body. A person with this condition has mild to moderate intellectual disabilities, some distinctive facial features, learning problems, unique personalities, as well… Continue reading Williams Syndrome

Harlequin Ichthyosis

Harlequin Ichthyosis is a skin condition, which is associated with changes in gene composition. Babies born with this condition have a hard and thick skin all over their body. The skin has large scaly plates that are diamond shaped. These skin plates are separated by cracks. A baby with this condition looks like fish because… Continue reading Harlequin Ichthyosis

Chigger Bites – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

The larva of the Trombiculidae family is what is called a chigger. The adult form is a mite closely related to spiders. You will find chiggers in any country in the world, but they love the forests, grassy fields, parks, and gardens. They are also found in the moist areas surrounding most lakes. Since chiggers… Continue reading Chigger Bites – Pictures, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment