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Stiff Neck and Sore Throat

People often experience sore throat, stiff neck, and fever that manifest as symptoms of varying ailments and finding the exact cause might be difficult. While literally, these symptoms might seem unrelated, nonetheless, there is a deeper relation in them. A sore throat could lead to inflammation of lymph glands behind the throat something that could result to a stiff neck. If you are experiencing stiff neck and sore throat, it is essential you see a doctor for further examination.

There are some illnesses that can cause both stiff neck and sore throats and once the origin of the symptoms are diagnosed, they could be cured effectively. While stiffness of the neck and a sore throat may arise due to positioning the head in an uncomfortable position alongside snoring and breathing through mouth when asleep, there are many other causes including bacterial and viral infections.

Causes of stiff neck and sore throat

It is common for children to suffer from strep throat infections, but adults are also vulnerable to the condition. Sore throat and stiff neck may be caused by strep throat, mononucleosis, influenza, and pharyngitis. They may also be caused by sinusitis scarlet fever, tonsillitis, and laryngitis. Bacterial and viral meningitis as well as mumps are other possible causes.

Mononucleosis is caused by Epstein-Barr virus and is referred to as the kissing disease. It spreads through exchange of saliva between two persons. Common symptoms of this disease are stiffness of neck, sore throat, fatigue, fever, and tiredness. The virus could remain dormant in the body for the rest of life and it is essential the symptoms are eliminated soon they are noticed.

Strep throat is caused by streptococcus bacteria. It is a contiguous disease that spreads through air people breathe. People may cough or sneeze the droplets loaded with the bacteria from an infected person. The bacteria can also be inhaled from air. The infection inflames the tonsils, throat, and adenoids, and it may cause skin rashes. The rashes are first noticed on the necks and then spread to other parts of body.

Tonsillitis is caused by streptococcus bacteria, herpes simplex virus, adenovirus, or Epstein-Barr.  The infection may lead to sore throat, which results to difficulties in swallowing. The glands in the neck may swell alongside the jaw. One may also have loss of appetite, fever, ear pain, and bad breathe.

Influenza or flu is caused by a virus and leads to symptoms like sore throat, dry nose, headaches, and body aches. A person with influenza may also experience high fever. A person may contract the virus through inhalation or coming in direct contact with an infected person. Mumps is caused by a virus that targets the parotid gland within the salivary glands. The condition causes the gland to swell and a patient may have swollen and tender cheeks accompanied by pain when you touch them.

Stiffness of the neck, sore throats, and fever among other symptoms will always follow an infection, which affects the throat. If there is an inflammation around the throat, it causes the lymph glands around the neck to swell. It is common to have a sore throat with a stiff neck.

Treatment and diagnosis

Stiff neck accompanied by sore throat and fever are common symptoms experienced by patients owing to a number of condition. It is not easy to determine which condition is causing the condition and further examination by a doctor is needed. Treatment will depend on the underlying condition, which is affecting the sore throat, and causing stiffness or pain in neck.

In most cases, the stiff neck may not be very painful though there are some ailments, which could produce severe pain. Patients need to maintain good diet, healthy lifestyles, regular exercises, and clean habits. If the symptoms are caused by a virus, boosting the immune system would be essential to allow the body fight the infection naturally.

Bacterial infection may be treated using antibiotics. Depending on what is causing symptoms, a patient may be administered with medication to treat the causative agent. Usually, if the cause is viral related, it may not be treated using antibiotics but for bacterial infection, they can be treated with antibiotics.

Some of the underlying causes may be fatal and require immediate medical attention. Seeing a doctor soon the symptoms appear is important because it allows for early and timely diagnosis to assist find out the underlying cause. At times, the symptoms may disappear on their own, but if they persist, you should not delay in seeking medical help.

In children, if they are suspected to be ailing from strep throat, they should be taken to medical healthcare facilities within 10 days after the symptoms appeared or when they develop acute rheumatic fever since it is thought to cause heart disease. Contagious diseases like strep throat require people to observe high level of hygiene to prevent transmission.

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