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Ingrown Toenail Removal Aftercare

An ingrown toenail can be a very painful condition. In severe instances, the only treatment for a really painful ingrown toenail is its surgical removal.


Ingrown toenail – Symptoms and Treatment


The nail in an ingrown toenail may penetrate the nail bed and the skin and keep growing inwards. Such abnormal growth may occur on one side of the nail or on both sides. An ingrown toenail may develop if the nail is unable to fit correctly in the border ridges present on the sides of the toe.


Some of the symptoms of an ingrown toenail include inflammation, pain, redness, and swelling around the affected region. In some cases, especially if the ingrown toenail has an infection, there may be drainage or discharge from the site along with bad odor.

Ingrown toenails are typically caused by wrong nail trimming practices, and wearing ill-fitting shoes. Children are less prone to getting ingrown toenails than adults, while men are at greater risk to it than women.


The best treatment for an ingrown toenail is surgical removal of the affected nail. During the procedure, the surgeon will extract a part of the toenail or the complete nail. If there is drainage, then associated abscess will also be drained out. If the surgery results in a big wound, then the doctor may stitch it up.


The doctor then applies antiseptic ointment on the surgery area and wraps it with a bandage. Our legs and toes are prone to getting stubbed or experiencing other kinds of trauma. The bandage is padded and it serves as a cushion, thereby protecting it from any unwarranted injuries. It also absorbs any blood or leakage that may emanate from the wound.


Doctors will advise on the number of days the bandage needs to be maintained and that recommended is normally dependent on the kind of surgery and the severity of ingrown toenail. In most cases, the bandage can be removed in two to seven days. If the bandage gets soaked with blood or becomes dirty during the first few days of the healing period, then do not try to replace it on your own. Instead visit the clinic so that they can have a look at the wound, clean it, and then re-bandage it.



Ingrown Toenail Removal Aftercare Instructions

The doctor will provide detailed instructions on ingrown toenail removal aftercare. Follow them meticulously. It will help prevent infections and promote healing.

Listed below are some aftercare instructions.

  1. The bandaging

After adequate days have passed (2 to 7 days), you have to remove the bandage, soak the surgical area, and then apply the bandage once again.

  • Take out the bandaged wrapped on the wound as well as other items present therein. Sometimes, you may find some parts of the wrap sticking to the surgical wound. In such cases, soak the foot in warm water for 10 minutes or more. This will help loosen those sticky parts, thereby making it easier to remove them.
  • Take a container big enough to hold your foot in it. Then pour some warm water in it and add Epsom salt to make a saline solution. Place the foot in the container and let it soak in the saline solution for 10 to 15 minutes. The solution serves as a cleanser and a disinfectant, which helps prevent infections.
  • Remove the foot from the container and then you may use a paper towel to tap the area dry. You may also use a clean towel or a clean washcloth. Do not use used towels to dry the toenail as it can have germs and cause infection. Make sure that the wound, the toe, and the foot are fully dry. Residual water may trigger infections.
  • Apply the antibiotic or antiseptic ointment prescribed by the doctor on the surgical wound. Then place a silk bandage or gauze over it. Then wrap it with a bandage. Alternatively, you may put the ointment on the gauze and then place the gauze on the wound. Ensure that the ointment on the gauze completely covers the wound area. Do not wrap the bandage around the gauze, too tightly or too loosely. It may come off easily if it is too loose. Blood flow/circulation may be hampered if it is wound too tight, thereby delaying the healing.

Follow the above steps of replacing the bandage till the time as recommended by the doctor. Make regular visits to the doctor as per scheduled appointments. You may stop bandaging the wound only after the doctor sees and deems that the wound has healed completely. Do not stop bandaging without consulting your doctor.

Immediately visit a doctor if you experience intense pain, excessive bleeding or any signs of infection like discharge, fever, redness, chills, etc.

  1. Medications

As per the kind of surgery and the severity of the ingrown toenail condition, the doctor may prescribe varied medications to manage the symptoms and promote healing.

  • Oral and/or topical antibiotics for fighting and preventing bacterial infections
  • Oral and/or topical anti-fungal medicines for fighting and preventing fungal infections of the wound
  • Pain killer medications to find relief from the pain
  1. Other aftercare guidelines
  • Wait for at least 24 hours before taking a shower. Do not take baths. Take care to avoid getting the toenail wet when taking a shower. If it gets wet, then visit the doctor to change the bandage.
  • Avoid strenuous physical activities like jogging, running, exercising, and jumping, etc. for 14 days after surgery.
  • When relaxing or sleeping, keep the foot in an elevated position so that it is placed about the heart’s level. This will increase the flow of blood to the treated toe, ease swelling and pain, and enhance healing.
  • Eat a balanced, healthy diet full of veggies, fruits, vitamins, proteins, and other essential nutrients. It will boost the immune system and promote healing.
  • Quit smoking and abstain from alcohol for at least 10 days after surgery. Alcohol and smoking can hamper the healing process.
  • Do not go swimming for at least 2 weeks post the surgical procedure. Do not wear ill-fitting, high-heeled, or closed footwear during the healing period.
  • You may begin cleaning the area with extreme care in the shower after about 7 days. The nail will gradually grow back and the nail bed will slowly and fully heal. After the healing is complete, visit the doctor to get the stitches removed.


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